About us

Rosanne Papadopoulos OT Reg (MB)
Rosanne is the owner of Discoveries in Therapy and has been an occupational therapist since 1987.  Her intense curiosity of the brain and behavior has driven her professional journey. She began working in adult psychiatry but quickly moved into child neuropsychiatry, working with children with Tourette syndrome, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Attention Deficit Disorder. She slowly began working in private practice and eventually left the hospital system to work in her own business on a part-time basis.

Rosanne values the freedom to do the work needed to genuinely help children without the constraints of a system. Since then, she has done many things to add to her knowledge including teaching at the University of Manitoba; developing a sexuality curriculum for special needs students in a local school division; presenting at many conferences; co-facilitating a support group for parents of children with Asperger’s Syndrome; attending conferences on attachment by Bruce Perry and Daniel Siegel; participating in online webinars through Mindful Schools and the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine focusing on attachment, current brain research and meditation.  She is currently a board member of the Attachment Network of Manitoba.

The pivotal learning about the brain and behavior began when she trained as a Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)® program certified consultant in 2004. It was, and continues to be, an incredible journey about the powerful impact of relationships on children’s developing minds. This training focuses on development, attachment and coaching parents/caregivers to recognize the moments of emotional and cognitive connection with their child. Relationships can clearly change the biology of the brain!

But even parents who work the magic of RDI® sometimes reach a plateau. That sent Rosanne off in search of how to overcome these obstacles and she discovered Integrated Listening Systems (iLs)® and the Safe and Sound Protocol. iLs® is a multi-sensory approach that addresses the challenges of learning, attention and processing through an auditory stimulation program that also includes balance, movement and visual motor activities. In addition to iLs®, Rosanne has also trained with Rhythmic Movement Training International (TM).  This is another home based program which integrates retained, or underdeveloped reflexes that interfere in learning. This program uses simple, repetitive movement patterns to help the child (or adult) overcome the “stuck” reflex pattern.  Her most recent training was Bal-A-Vis-X® which uses rhythmic patterns with beanbags and racquetballs to promote integration of balance, sound, and vision.

Rosanne’s passion is finding techniques that work for her clients and families. Through her professional connections and research, she is constantly finding relevant and interesting information and which she places in her business blog/newsletter.