In June, I met with several new families whose children struggle with constipation or withholding issues. There are many parts to this issue, including how little bodies react to stress. I wonder how many other children and parents struggle with this… It becomes a very emotional issue that also becomes closely tied to diet and eating habits. I found a good book written by Anthony Cohn that I offered to these families and thought it might be helpful for more of you! Constipation, Withholding And Your Child …
“Constipation, Withholding and Your Child” is a positive, accessible guide to dealing with the common problems of stool withholding, soiling and wetting in young children. It gives insight into the perspectives of both children and parents, enabling a clear understanding of the issue. Using friendly and informal language, the book examines the different causes of toileting problems, including the arrival of siblings and difficulties at school, and provides practical techniques and strategies to help children overcome these problems. It emphasises the importance of diet and offers advice on how to make using the toilet less frightening, the benefits of keeping a stool diary chart, and what laxatives and medications to use in different circumstances. It provides tips on how to tackle inappropriate lavatorial behaviour sensitively and addresses the issues particular to children with special needs. This book is a reassuring, informative and non-patronising guide to help children overcome toileting problems. It is useful for parents and all professionals who work with children.”