Tag Archives: self-regulation

Brainwaves, Issue 34, Self-regulation…is not Self-Control!

Brainwaves is a newsletter designed to create some “brainwaves” within my community of colleagues, friends and clients. Self-reg…all the rage right now! Self-regulation seems to be the “rage” right now! Everyone is talking about it in the world of child development … but is it just a fad? Exciting brain research over the past few… Read More »

Issue 17, Something doesn’t make sense here…

In the last issue, I wrote about a Canadian book entitled “Calm, Alert and Learning: Classroom Strategies for Self-Regulation” by Dr. Stuart Shanker (2013).   This issue will link self-regulation information to the Canadian perspective, the Manitoba perspective and a Winnipeg perspective.  Brainwaves is a monthly newsletter designed to create some “brainwaves” within my community of… Read More »